Have you ever wanted to start your own garden but weren’t sure how to go about it? Have you ever bought flowers at the store and thought to yourself “I wish I could grow these at home”? How often do you buy fruits and vegetables and think to yourself “I should grow my own produce because it will taste better and save me money”? How often do you think about saving some money by growing your own herbs? How often do you look at where you live and think “but where would a garden even fit around here?” The good news is that you can grow your own garden just about anywhere you want, even inside! Here are a few tips to help you get started. In case you’re interested, a super way to eat all of your tasty fruits and veggies is making healthy green smoothies with a Vita-Mix blender. The Vita-Mix 5200 is our favorite.
Almost every garden requires the gardener to do some planning before they plant. The simple fact is that it takes time for plants to grow and you need to plant them during specific times of the year if you really want them to grow. Yes, it is possible to grow flowers on a whim sometimes. If you really want to have a good garden, though, you are going to need to be ready to do a lot of work in advance. Some plants will have to be planted months in advance of their blooming season. There are even some plants that will stay in the ground for a year before they start to sprout! If you want your garden to be successful you need to be prepared to make a commitment to it. Good gardening requires the gardener to be patient. There is no getting around it, you are going to have to be patient because it can take quite a while before you see any real evidence of the work that you have done. The only way to skip this waiting period is to purchase seeds that have already sprouted from a gardening shop. If you don’t want to spend the money on “baby” plants, you need to have patience and continue to keep your garden nourished and taken care of while you wait to see the results of your efforts. Don’t worry if it takes a few weeks or even a month or two before you see things start to break through the top layer of the soil.
If this is your first opportunity to plant your own garden you may want to begin with more than just a packet of seeds and some dirt. Your luck might be better if you buy plants, which have already begun sprouting. This way your main job in your garden will be maintenance in getting your garden to thrive. You won’t need to worry as much about whether or not the plants will grow. You only have to worry about how to keep them alive. Next year, after you have gained some experience you may want to try your luck with seedlings. Without having to plant new seeds, bulbs simply stay dormant until the following blooming season – this is another reason it may be good to start with sprouted plants.
Starting your own garden is great! There is no shame in enjoying working in the dirt and getting soil all over yourself.
You probably feel like a kid again! This love of playing in the dirt is what makes so many adults so dedicated to gardens. They probably feel more like they are playing than working! Lastly, be sure to read our Vitamix review!