
Majority Of Americans Overweight

Are you having trouble getting your pants on? Is it a struggle for you to keep the fast off ? Join the crowd then! If you look at the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, 63.1% of adults in the of 2009 are either overweight or obese .

That is a huge percentage of the United States population if you actually consider it. But it is not really surprising. Americans have become well known for porking out on unhealthy food and skipping on the daily or even weekly exercise .

How can you tell if you are considered obese? Obesity is usually considered as having a BMI of over 30. You are officially overweight if your BMI is between 25 and 30 . The BMI formula was introduced by a Belgium statistician named Adolphe Quetelet long ago . It was once called the Quetelet Index. Nowadays BMI is known as the body mass indicator or body mass index . The BMI is used internationally as a measure of obesity .

Only two things are needed to calculate BMI, height and weight You can enter your weight and height into a BMI calculator which are easily located on the internet or you can find the answer yourself using a fairly easy formula to complete the calculation.

How can you lose weight now? It seems that for most people gaining weight is simple . All that is required is eating and watching boob tube ! Shedding pounds is a different monster . To get rid of fat you might have to consume less , take Fastin diet pills , exercise frequently and eat better foods .

I make it a point to talk to individuals about weight loss and obesity and from what I can tell, the best way to shed extra pounds consists of diet and exercise . Eating a healthy sum of fruits and vegetables and getting a regular amount of exercise seems to be the the best method .

So many people are looking for the easy way out . They they end up taking prescription medicine for obesity such as Phentermine or Adipex . Phentermine is a synthetic pharmaceutical drug that is a form of amphetamine. Others take diet pills that are natural such as Fastin diet pills. These supplements are known to suppress appetite and boost energy.