
Finding The Cause of Trench Mouth

Trench mouth earned its name during the First World War, when soldiers who fought along the trenches began to have problems with their teeth and gums. Because of inadequate dental care, they did not have good oral hygiene, finally resulting in gingivitis. Over time gingivitis worsened and they are ill with a disease called trench mouth. We all have bacteria in our mouth, but when the bacteria grows out of control the result is trench mouth. Overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth, causing severe infection in the mouth, causing damage and destroy the delicate gum tissue supporting the teeth. If the condition worsens large ulcers form. These ulcers are filled with additional bacteria, food particles, and decaying gum tissue. Eventually, the most common trench mouth symptoms are acute gum pain, halitosis, and bad taste in my mouth. Bacteria is the main culprit that causes trench mouth, but there are other risk factors that increase the risk of trench mouth and may even aggravate the trench mouth. Trench mouth is commonly linked with people in third world countries who have poor and/or lack of hygiene; nevertheless, trench mouth is still rampant in major countries because of the result of untreated gum and mouth infections. Poor and/or deficient oral hygiene such as failed to brush the teeth and floss daily can lead to a buildup of plaque on the teeth and gums. This development of plaque makes the ideal location for bacteria to thrive and grow. Lack nutrition can also cause a person’s risk of suffering from the trench mouth. Deficient amounts of fruits, vegetables, and important nutrients make it hard for the body to fight off infection. Malnourished children especially those in third world countries are particularly susceptible to trench mouth. The person who smokes and / or chewing tobacco increase the risk of trench mouth. Smoking and chewing tobacco damages the blood vessels of the gums, so it is easier for bacteria to grow and prosper. If the person suffers from a weak immune system is also a risk of developing trench mouth. Disease that usually weakened a person’s immune system include: AIDS, cancer, and mononucleosis. Another problem that can commonly suppress a person’s immune system is emotional stress. Stress lowered the immune system and makes it hard for the body to deal infections. Infections, certainly those infections of the throat, teeth, and mouth can also lead to trench mouth if they are not treated efficiently.