
A Simple Yet Effective Way To Lose Weight

Are you looking for a simple way to lose weight? Well if you have answered this question in the positive then you have come to the right place! I have been battling with my own “bulge” or excess weight for over 20 years now. Enough was enough – I needed to find a weight loss solution.

I am a person who has seemingly always been partial or should I say rather keen on what the experts would say are the wrong or bad types of food. I just love take away food such as fish and chips, a curry, a Chinese and my ultimate favourite the pizza! I work long hours and the last thing that I want to do when I return home at night is to start cooking. Convenience food has therefore often been the way for me which is probably why I have been over-weight or fat for so many years.

In the end I just happened to fall across the solution more by luck than judgement. Now some would say, and quite rightly as well, that the solution would be simply to cut out all of the fatty foods that I consume on a regular basis such as the take aways. This however is something that I have tried before and it is easier said than done. I would do really well for a few days but would then just fall off the wagon, so to speak. This is sometimes the life of door supervisors and motoring solictors.

About six months ago my family took in a rescue dog called Jonty. Jonty has been ill treated in the past and is some what of a wild dog who requires a great deal of exercise. I am the person in the family who has been taking her for her walks, which I have to say I enjoy as it gets me out of the house. All of this walking has enabled me, over this six month period, to lose a heck of a lot of weight. I just wonder how much weight I could lose over a three year period of dog walking!