Many people these days, tend to use treadmills for weight loss and burning fat around the belly . Read on for some running tips on exactly how to do just that.
1. Two of the simplest, and perhaps most effective forms of exercise, are running and walking . And with the treadmill, you can do both. The treadmill is also a very flexible machine when it comes to these two exercises – you can adjust the incline and speed at the rates that you prefer so that you can maximize fat burning and allow you to shed all those unwanted pounds.
2. One thing that happens with many individuals is that they end up falling into a treadmill rut . Give your body a boost out of the blue by changing up your treadmill settings within your workout. This way, your body is “shocked” out of its routine, so it is forced to exert more energy, and therefore burn more fat.
Try to look for a running speed that you can keep up with for at least one minute . After that minute, change the setting into a slower, steadier pace and use that setting for two consecutive minutes. Afterwards, switch to the more rigorous setting and stay there for another minute, slow down again for two, and continue the cycle five to eight times.
3. Make sure you have someone that will keep you accountable for your running schedule Having an exercise buddy is a great way to boost your energy and keep you pushing to lose weight.
4. Tired of the old walking and running and keen on learning some new tricks on the treadmill? Why not include jumping interval training on your treadmill routine? This will increase your heart rate and really make your muscles work. Do an ordinary one-minute treadmill routine, then try hopping. Not the kind of person who likes to keep his feet off the ground and take off into the air? Then spice up your treadmill routine by walking or running backwards on it.
I hope these running tips will help you achieve your goals. Remember the practice makes perfect, and whatever technique you decide to use on the treadmill, keep at it long enough and you will be able to maximize its fat-burning effects.