
Eat Healthier With These 5 Tips

Here are some easy tips for  living and eating  healthier that anyone can implement right away.  Healthy living will increase life expectancy as well as quality of life for those willing to develop good habits and make  healthy  living a priority.   Below are  5   tips  that will  improve  your overall health.

1)   Consume Smaller Portions 

Eating  more often with smaller portions  is  a simple  way to help regulate blood sugar and simultaneously increase your metabolism.  Eating moreoften means that your body will be  constantly processing the food  which has the effect of increasing the metabolism and ultimately burning more calories .  Smaller portions don’t tend to make you as full orstretch your stomach so your stomach will actually shrink making you look better too.   Get started  first thing  in the morning with a healthy breakfast like oatmeal to get your  metabolism started.   

2)   Stay Away From   Refined and Processed  Foods

When grocery shopping try to remember to stay on the perimeter.  The  center  of the store typically contains the majority of theprocessed foods that are boxed or canned and that have all the preservatives to go along with them.  Doing the majority of your  grocery shopping  outside the  center aisles will give you access to the fresh produce, meats and bakery goods that are healthier for your body.

3)  Eat Slowly

Slowing down your rate of intake can drastically reduce theamount of food you consume without making you feel like you are starving.   Enjoyyour food as you eat and aim to chew between 20 and 25 times before you swallow.  The breakdown of food starts in your mouth and this step is  a vital  part of the digestive process.  Eating too quickly encourages overeating and puts more work  on your internal digestive organs to break down food that wasn’t properly chewed.

4)   Eat More Colorful Meals 

Aim to get more color in your daily meals through your fruit and vegetable intake. Colorful  fruits and vegetables  are full of nutrient rich vitamins that will  help  you feel and evenappear  more healthy andvibrant.  Talk to your  medical practitioner  about any  nutrients or vitamins  you may not be getting enough of and consider supplementing your  diet plan  with natural foods to help  keep  off sickness.

5)   Find A Diet Program That Fits You 

Find a health or diet program that fits your lifestyle and goals and use the program to help keep yourself on track.  If your goal is weight loss there are several established programs like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, but if your goal is health and wellness   you may want to try  a natural cleansing diet like the anti Candida diet.  The Candida Diet is a natural diet aimed at cleansing the body from Candida yeast which can cause joint aches, gas, bloating, depression and many other symptoms.  Many times these symptoms are a sign that the body is out of balance and a  detox  diet can help get you back to healthy living.  For  additional  information on the Candida diet including free recipes,  food lists and guidelines  go to