
How Long Will Acid Reflux Last

One of the most typical questions that I face from sufferers of heartburn is, how long does heartburn last?  It is understandable that the general public will desire to know how long does the agony stay with them.  Patients that suffer from heartburn experience a burning feeling down their throats that can be intolerable.  The amount of time heartburn would last before subsiding would depend on the scale of your condition.  In this article, I’ll break down the different stages of seriousness that will provide you with a rough suggestion.  

There are some people who are suffering from heartburn only when they do things that trigger a reflux.  For example, smoking, eating of pizza or lying down straight after a meal.  These folk experience short term heartburn that doesn’t cause them major troubles.  
although these folks suffer from shorter periods of heartburn, the discomfort they experience during the duration may not be mild.  

The standard heartburn sufferer will experience heartburn a few times in a week.  Such cases of heartburn typically last up to a couple of hours.  For some people, heartburn is caused by their lifestyle and unhealthy diets.  Hence, they experience short term heartburn that recurs frequently.  Changes in their lifestyle such as reducing smoking, reducing the intake of alcohol and reducing the consumption of exotic food can help them cut back the frequency and duration of heartburn.  

For more serious heartburn sufferers, they experience heartburn one or two times a week that can persist for days.  A number of these sufferers might have contracted minor gastro esophageal reflux illness.  Some folk are able to relieve the pain by taking drugs that may be found at local pharmacies or drug stores.  One common example of a drug that can be bought from drugstore stores would be Prilosec.  

Ultimately, there are folk who are suffering from severe heartburn due to severe gastro esophageal reflux illness.  There are patients that are suffering from heartburn for so long as weeks and months without relief.  Sufferers who find treatment from doctors sometimes receive medication such as Reglan.  These medication causes more severe side-effects and are often prescribed only as a final resort.  

I’m hoping you have had a better understand about how long does heartburn last.  Depending on the seriousness of your condition, heartburn can last from one or two hours to a couple of months.

That’s it on getting rid of heartburn quickly! For more free natural treatments for eliminating acid reflux quick! Visit ACID REFLUX DISEASE DIET and here Foods To Avoid With Acid Reflux