
Loose The Old Turf And Get The New Turf

For many owners of a garden turf lawn there can come a point when the work that goes into its maintenance is no longer viable for the results that are achieved. It’s no fun for gardeners who spend a lot of extra money trying to get their turf to improve but without success. Turf care can be an expensive business, but sometimes it’s the age or quality of the turf itself which is the problem.

One solution for keen gardeners is to replace the existing turf with new turf. There are many benefits to doing this, however, it is not a decision that should be taken without first checking that everything possible has been done to try and improve the existing turf.

There are numerous issues with lawn turf that could cause gardeners a headache, of which some are lack of good watering schedules and infestation with disease. Other problems can be even more difficult for turf and the gardener. Without the correct amount of drainage it is possible that water-logging will become a real problem for gardeners. Plants can drown if excess water is not allowed to drain away. Adequate drainage is a prerequisite for excellent quality turf. There is a fine balance for turf management that enables it to drain properly meaning that it won’t drown whilst allowing it to retain moisture so that it doesn’t dehydrate. Unless the drainage problem is solved by the necessary work being accomplished to ensure drainage works, new turf may also be damaged by water-logging.

New turf should be considered as an option once all of the problems mentioned are checked and considered. New turf will mean that the lawn’s fresh beginning will take shape. The new turf, assuming it has been purchased from a quality turf supplier will be disease free, healthy and full of life. The turf manufacturer should be able to give advice about how to lay the turf onto the best prepared land possible.

Sometimes garden turf is unrecoverable. In this situation, new lawn turf can help restore the beauty of a garden lawn.