
Many Different Causes of Cerebral Palsy

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There are more than 800,000 people in the United States suffering from cerebral palsy   Cerebral palsy is a motor and nerve condition that can result in a number of physical and mental disabilities.   When diagnosed with or faced with caring for somebody with cerebral palsy, it is normal to have questions about this horrible affliction .  Questions like : What causes this condition? Are there different causes of cerebral palsy? Can it be caused at different times?

Although there are questions that are unanswered, even today, doctors, and researchers agree that there are a number of different causes of cerebral palsy:

  • Causes before birth . Nearly 75 percent of people with cp got the condition in the womb. Although there are several theories, professionals within the health industry remain unsure of what causes cerebral palsy to form in the womb . Some have linked the condition with the mother having an contagion during the pregnancy . Others believe that cerebral palsy is tied with the presence of a vanishing twin that does not live through the pregnancy.


  • Causes during labor . It is estimated that five to ten percent of those with cerebral palsy have suffered a birth injury . Cerebral palsy may have been a preventable birth injury in some of these cases.   If labor goes on for too long, or if the baby does not have a sufficient supply of oxygen during the birth, it could result in cerebral palsy. More specifically, this birth injury could occur if doctors leave the baby in the birthing canal for too long, if doctors do not order a caesarean prompt enough, if the vacuum extractor is used incorrectly , if forceps are used incorrectly , or if doctors don’t act when the fetal heart rate slows .


  • Post labor causes . About 15 percent of people with cerebral palsy developed the disorder in their firstcouple years of their life . In some cases , cerebral palsy is caused by a brain injury from a car accident , child abuse, or other trauma. In other cases, cerebral palsy is caused by diseases including meningitis, encephalitis, or any number of other bacterial or viral infections.

As you can see, there are not only many different causes for cerebral palsy , but also several different times when it can form .  With issues of birth injury, it is always important to reexamination the position to be certain that it was not caused by medical negligence .  If it is determined to have been prevented by proper medical care , then the parents of the child could be eligible to receive damages for theirfamily . Cerebral Palsy help can be extremely expensive, and these damages can be indispensible for the long term health and development of their child.  To be certain, any parent of a child with cp who believes their child might have been the victim of a preventable birth injury is encourages to contact a qualified cerebral palsy attorney.