
Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Damages Your Good Health – You Don’t Say

Why is type 2 diabetes so dangerous? Many people are under the mistaken belief that Diabetes is not a serious condition. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to many very serious complications. It will almost certainly lead to an early death for many if not treated and managed. Being aware of these health complications is very paramount for individuals with Diabetes Type 2 and emphasizes the importance of controlling your disease properly. Here are some pointsto consider.


Type 2 diabetes comes with many complications that come up suddenly and can be life threatening. The first is a sudden decrease in your blood sugar levels. Hypoglycemia is sometimes seen when you have too much insulin or exercise too much. You may feel very lightheaded and can possibly faint. The second is a sharp spike in your glucose levels. Hyperglycemia may occur if you do not have enough insulin in your body to deal with glucose levels. In a severe episode of hyperglycemia, individuals with Type two Diabetes can develop the condition called ketoacidosis. This is when there is no insulin in the blood circulation to convert glucose. The cells turn to burning fatty acids for energy. A by-product of that process are ketones, which build up in the system. If enough of them gather, you may be facing a diabetic coma.


Type 2 diabetes also comes with long-term complications that will cause health issues over the years. It is a scientifically accepted fact that excess blood sugar in the body does damage to cells in many different organs or tissues. When it does damage to the kidney, it can lead to renal failure via nephropathy. When it does damage to the nerves, it can lead to nerve death or neuropathy. Neuropathy leads to amputation of feet and legs in some patients. It is a medically accepted fact that limitation of restriction of blood in the eyes can lead in blindness. You can avoid or delay all of these complications with proper management.


There are many other conditions associated with Type 2 Diabetes that can wreck your life and even kill you. Diabetics are twice as likely to develop cardio-vascular disease as people without the disease are. They have problems with cholesterol, high blood pressure, and stroke. They may also have issues related to sexual function. Depression may be another common side effect. Any and all of these various complications can shorten your life and may even kill you. It is a scientifically accepted fact that with correct management and control of a Type II Diabetes individual’s blood glucose readings, they certainly have the opportunity to avoid or delay them for a long time. It is vital to make the adequate decisions early to avoid the health mess or problems later on.